Spring Beans & Greens

Recipes |

This week’s recipe is inspired by a much-loved Greek dish, black eye beans with spinach. A simple yet delicious and nutritious dish, which is traditionally served with plenty of olive oil and lemon juice. Here, we’ve made it with small white beans that give this dish a more wholesome, comforting taste.

These small white beans are from Northern Greece. Our producer, Yiannis comes from a family of grain farmers, but spent much of his career working abroad and travelling the world. He decided to return to his hometown and to nature almost a decade ago because of “love for the land and a bit of craze,” as he said. In his head, he carries images of the plots of land he encountered on his travels and the knowledge of traditional ways of farming; these helped shape him and his approach as he went on to start his new life as a farmer. Yiannis is passionate about the local microclimate and sustainable methods of farming which give food a unique taste. Read more about Yiannis and his wife Olga, and about the rest of our producers on our new website.

Serve with a glass of Nerantzi Malagouzia.

Serves two



  • The night before soak your beans in cold water. The morning after drain and rinse. Place the beans in a medium-sized pot, along with the vegetable stock and salt. Bring to the boil and cook over medium heat until the beans are tender, for about one hour.
  • Add the greens and stir, cooking for 5 more minutes, until the greens are wilted and tender.
  • Serve with plenty of our 18C olive oil and lemon juice.

Buy the products

Organic Small Beans
Organic Small BeansFrom: £3.50
Nerantzi Malagousia
Nerantzi Malagousia£21.00
18°C Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
18°C Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil£36.00

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