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Happy New Year 2022!

When we wrote this end-of-year blog post last December, we definitely did not imagine that we would still be in another wave of the pandemic a year later. But life is unpredictable that way.

2021 was, in many respects, a year of change.

Some of us travelled again for the first time after many months. We felt the magic of being abroad, a magic we’d all but forgotten. Many of us spent time with our family and friends again and, despite the uncertainty of these last few weeks, we realised just how valuable it is to be close to our loved ones. Having spent so much time in isolation, we realised what matters and what doesn’t, and many of us took steps to reassess our priorities and make changes; or simply, to relax and enjoy the absurdity of human existence.

All of us at Oliveology feel grateful that, over the past year, our amazing team has stayed together and grown stronger. We’d like to thank them: Jerry and Christina at Borough Market greeted all of you in good and challenging times. At the warehouse, Yarek and Hubert packed all online orders with care and took care of those who prefer to shop at Spa Terminus. Lauren and Ben prepared our delicious dips, while Klaudia has been taking care of our shop and warehouse whilst also taking wonderful pictures of life at Oliveology, brightening up our timelines. Harry, our little helper in the kitchen, turned two and has already become an expert in testing recipes and cooking with Ben. In the office, Benji has been assisting all of you, caring for queries, concerns and compliments, while Nafsika has been cooking up delicious recipes for our blog and curating our culinary events.

We are grateful for the care and passion our team puts into their work. And finally we are grateful for Marianna’s guidance and support in our daily lives.

We also want to say a huge thank you to all of our wonderful customers. We are so grateful for all the love you’ve shown us over this incredibly turbulent year. Once again, we’ve been humbled by your support, by your kind words, food orders, sustainable gift giving. Thank you for sticking by our side. We hope that your hampers and food boxes made your pandemic days a little more colourful.

We’d also like to thank our amazing producers for their consistently fabulous produce and for their dedication even as things have gotten difficult. We always seek to honour and nurture our relationships with them – to work together to create a better (food) world.

As this year comes to an end, we realise how much we, and the world around us, has changed. As we enter 2022 we hope for a year in which we celebrate successes and accomplishments, big or small. Mostly, we hope for a year full of tables resplendent with good food, overflowing with wine, and surrounded by people we love!

Happy 2022!

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